
Publications and Accepted Papers

1. Disparities in PM2.5 air pollution in the United States, with Ian Hardman, Jay Shimshack, and John Voorheis (2020) Science, Vol. 369, Issue 6503, pp. 575-578.

Media:  AAAS, Reuters, the Guardian, Science News, NPR, E&E news, Gizmodo, UPI news, UVA Today.

2. Temperature, Labor Reallocation, and Industrial Production: Evidence from India, (2021) American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 13, Issue 4, pp. 101-124.

Media: VoxDev, Nature News & Views

3. Rainfall Variability, Child Labor, and Human Capital Accumulation in Rural Ethiopia, (2021) American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 103, Issue 3, pp. 858-877. (FEEM Award Winner 2013)

4. Why are Pollution Damages Lower in Developed Countries? Insights from High-Income, High-Particulate Matter Hong Kong, with Dajun Lin, Siying Liu, and Jay Shimshack (2021) Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 79, Issue 102511.

5. Blame it on the Rain: Rainfall Variability, Consumption Smoothing, and Subjective Well-Being in Rural Ethiopia with Yonas Alem (2022) American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 104, Issue 3, pp. 905-920.

6. What is the Meaning of (Statistical) Life? Benefit-Cost Analysis in the Time of COVID-19, (2020) Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 36, Issue 1, S56–S63.

7. The Changing Nature of Pollution, Income, and Environmental Inequality in the United States, with Suvy Qin, John Voorheis, and Reed Walker (2024) AEA Papers & Proceedings, Vol. 114: 41–46.

8. Access to Guns in the Heat of the Moment: More Restrictive Gun Laws Mitigate the Effect of Temperature on Violence, with Jennifer Doleac (Accepted, Review of Economics and Statistics)

9. Does Pricing Carbon Mitigate Climate Change? Firm-Level Evidence from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, with Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muuls, and Ulrich Wagner (Forthcoming, Review of Economic Studies)

Media: L'Express

10. Microdata and Natural Capital Valuation, with John Voorheis (Forthcoming, "Measuring and Accounting for Environmental Public Goods: A National Accounts Perspective" Eds. Mary Bohman, Eli Fenichel, and Nicholas Mulller, University of Chicago Press).

11. Do Carbon Offsets Offset Carbon?, with Raphael Calel, Antoine Dechezleprêtre , and Matthieu Glachant (Forthcoming, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics)

Media: Top-of-the-Charts; Energy Institute Blog; MIT Technology Review; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (17:25); Fastcompany; WSJ.

Working Papers

1. The Grandkids Aren't Alright: The Intergenerational Effects of Prenatal Pollution Exposure, with John Voorheis (2nd Round Revise & Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics)

Media: YubaNet

2. Environmental Citizen Complaints, with Mary Evans and Jay Shimshack (Revise & Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics)

Media: Texas Tribune; Statesman

3. Is the Electricity Sector a Weak Link in Development?, with David Lagakos and Martin Shu (Under Review)

4. The Census Environmental Impacts Frame, with Kendall Houghton, Eva Lyubich, Cameron Scalera, John Voorheis, and Jenny Withrow (Under Review).

5. Income, Wealth, and Environmental Inequality in the United States with Suvy Qin, John Voorheis, and Reed Walker (Under Review)

6. Air Pollution and Economic Opportunity in the United States, with John Voorheis and Brennan Williams 

Media: Brookings; Boston Globe

7. The Causes and Consequences of Urban Heat Islands, with Tridevi Chakma and John Voorheis 

8. Heat Disparities in the United States: An Individual-Level Analysis, (available upon request, embargoed until publication) with Tridevi Chakma and John Voorehis

9. Nice Work if You Can Get It? The Distribution of Employment and Earnings During the Early Years of the Clean Energy Transition, with Eva Lyubich and John Voorheis

10. Transitional Costs and the Decline of Coal: Worker-Level Evidence, with Eleanor Krause, Eva Lyubich, and John Voorheis

Selected Work in Progress:

1. The Economics of Marine Conservation, with Robin Burgess and Michael Greenstone

2. Who Weathers the Storm? The Unequal Effects of Hurricanes in the United States, with Brennan Williams, and John Voorheis

3. Wildfire Smoke and PM2.5 Disparities in the United States, with Marshall Burke, Cameron Scalera, and John Voorheis 

4. The Baltic Exchange: Weather Risk and International Trade in Early Modern Europe, with Simon Alder and Kerem Coşar 

5. The Effects of Property Destruction: Evidence from Wildfires, with Pat Baylis, Judson Boomhower, and John Voorheis

6. Who is at Risk from Sea Level Rise in the United States?, with John Voorheis

7. Pollution Information and Affordable Housing in the United States, with Peter Bergman and Ian Hardman

8. The Human (Capital) Side of Climate Change: A Micro to Macro Analysis, with Ishan Nath, Tommaso Porzio, and Federico Rossi

Resting Papers:

1. Temperature and Production in a Globalized World: Evidence from French Manufacturing Firms, with Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muuls, and Ulrich Wagner

2. Urbanization, Growth, and Development: Evidence from India 

Other Writing:

1. Real-Time Analysis of Hurricane Milton

2. Citizen complaints can be a useful early warning system for governments to act on environmental violations. LSE United States Politics and Policy Blog

3. Climate change: Africa has a major new carbon market initiative - what you need to know The Conversation

4. Temperature, Labour Reallocation, and Industrial Production Ideas for India

5. How does climate change shape inequality, poverty and economic opportunity? Economics Observatory

6. New research shows that reductions in air pollution have intergenerational consequences, Washington Center for Equitable Growth, with John Voorheis

7. Air Pollution and the Public's Health, Public Health Post, Boston University School of Public Health, with Jay Shimshack

8. Fine-particle air pollution has decreased across the US, but poor and minority communities are still the most polluted, The Conversation, with Jay Shimshack

9. Evaluating the EU Emissions Trading System: Take it or leave it? An assessment of the data after 10 years, with Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muûls, and Ulrich Wagner 

10. Energy and the Environment: A Cold Climate for Climate Change Policies? CEP Election Analysis 2015 with Ralf Martin and Antoine Dechezleprêtre

Media: New Scientist, Climate Brief, The Guardian, The Ecologist